Awkward Matt Moments
Should we be shocked by the accusations that are being made against Matt Lauer? Lauer was a man earning a lot of money from and for NBC. He was highly-valued and obviously protected by his employer. A lot of my friends say, “Wow. I can’t believe it. I really liked him.” People like Matt Lauer because he’s great at PERFORMING. It’s show business. He is an entertainer as much as he is a journalist. People love the morning news anchor character, but we really don’t know about Matt Lauer, the person. Or do we? Here are some “hindsight is 20/20” Matt Lauer Moments.
1. The Anne Hathaway interview. She’s there to promote her new movie, and Matt wants to lecture her about the paparazzi catching an up-the-skirt photo. “What did you learn, (Anne)?” Obsess much, Matt? And Anne, by the way, put him in his place much more eloquently.
2. The Bill O’Reilly interview. He went in with the hard-hitting questions. “Think about those…women and what they did,” Lauer chided. “They came forward and filed complaints against the biggest star at the network they worked at. Think about how intimidating that must have been. Doesn’t that tell you how strongly they felt about you?”
3. Lots of conjecture that he threw Ann Curry under the bus, causing her dismissal and that he took advantage of Katie Couric’s widowhood and motherhood status to undermine her. Nice guy!
It’s a real shame when power and money go to someone’s head, and they think rules and laws don’t apply to them. And companies that enable power-abusers are a big part of the problem.
Looks like Tom Cruise wins the award for Best at Reading Matt Lauer’s True Character. “You’re glib, Matt!”
~Roxanne Wilder
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