World Password Day
The idea behind the day is simple: If everyone takes a few simple steps towards beefing up their online security precautions, the internet will become a safer place for all of us.
The folks behind World Password Day recommend layering up security by adding an extra step of authentication, like a PIN. It is also suggested that you make your password as complicated as possible, perhaps by thinking of a phrase or song lyric and using the first letter from each word as the basis.
Celebrate World Password Day by visiting and taking the World Password Day pledge, sharing a password tip on social media, changing an old password to a long, strong one or by turning on two-factor authentication for your important accounts.
Security researcher Mark Burnett first encouraged people to have a “password day,” where they update important passwords in his 2005 book Perfect Passwords. Inspired by his idea, Intel Security took the initiative to declare the first Thursday in May World Password Day in May 2013. Password Day is meant to create awareness of the need for good password security.