More Price Is Right Memorabilia
In 2004, while Mr. Barker was still the host of The Price Is Right, I had the opportunity to voice the new TPIR video game.
The recording session for the game lasted for hours. As you can imagine, there are so many situations that come up in a game that producers have to plan for. And that means the Announcer has to voice all of those possibilities.
Pictured below is my unopened copy of The Price Is Right New 2nd Edition video game. Look closely at the front of the box. Recognize that autograph? Yep, that’s the autograph of my former boss-now-friend, Bob Barker.
I am a huge fan of Hollywood memorabilia. So, working in that town for nearly 30 years of my professional career has brought me the opportunity to collect some real goodies.
I own Bob Hope’s golf clubs, Rod Roddy’s baby shoes, Bob Barker’s original telescoping “pencil” microphone, a hand painted Woody Woodpecker cartoon cell given to me by Walter Lantz himself (just before passing away)… and a lot more.
I also own the original Announcer’s podium from TPIR and a bunch of old set pieces. As a matter of fact, a truck-load of memorabilia is on it’s way home to Florida now after cleaning out a storage unit in L.A. It will be fun going through some of the old collectables again, once they arrive.
I keep telling my wife Christine that every one of these precious items is another deposit into the saving’s account after I pass away. Her response? “Do we have to wait until then to get rid of all of this stuff?” And my answer is, “Yes”!
More to come.