Which Fireworks Are Legal In Florida?
In case you’re headed out to the store or to a roadside stand to purchase your July 4th fireworks, you might want to know which firecrackers are legal in the state of Florida.
Not everything you can purchase is legal in Florida. A general rule is that if it flies or explodes, it isn’t legal. That doesn’t mean you can’t find them available. You’d have to sign a waiver stating that you’d use the items for agricultural use. (That pretty much means scaring off birds.)
The waiver protects the seller, not you. It’s still a first-degree misdemeanor if you’re caught.
So, what IS legal? Sparklers, novelties, trick noisemakers and smoke makers. These include party poppers and snappers. You can find a list HERE of all the approved sparklers from the Department of State Fire Marshal.
For more details, click here.

(Photo by Tim Boyle/Getty Images)
Best bet is to head out to one of the Tampa Bay area’s fireworks shows on July 4th such as Clearwater Celebrates America at Coachman Park or Tampa Red White & Blue Festival at Cotanchobee Ft. Brooke Park in downtown Tampa.