Can Women Accurately Predict a Man’s Wealth?
Can you predict how rich a man is within seconds of meeting him?
A new study reported by The Sun has found that women can make an accurate prediction of his wealth by simply looking into his face for a few seconds.
The research was published in Personality and Individual Differences and found that richer men have better diets and healthier lifestyles. This in turn is reflected in how they maintain their appearance, better skin care, brow care and overall more attractive facial appearance. And specifically among men, they say facial attractiveness significantly predicted their household income.
And while the study showed surprisingly accurate predictions by women looking at men’s faces, it appears men don’t share the same ability when it comes to meeting women. Could a factor also be that men aren’t looking at women’s faces? Hmmm.
Do you think YOU could predict a man’s wealth within seconds? Take our LADIES: Do You Mentally Determine A Man’s Financial Worth When You Meet Him?