Is Uber Better Than Owning A Car?
Is ditching your car for Uber better than owning?
Are you among the many and think using Uber or Lyft would save you money?
Well, think again. According to Triple A you’d be making a costly mistake. And while you may think Triple A may have their own motives for swaying you to car ownership, their accounting does check out.
The average person drives approximately 10,841 miles per year, which cost you about $10,049.00 between your car payment, insurance, gas and parking.
Conversely, if you use Uber, Lyft or one of the many car service options available to us today, those same 10,841 miles would cost approximately $20,118.00. That’s about twice as much as owning your own car, and having the convenience to travel at a moments notice.
So perhaps the next time you visualize having a car service instead of ownership, think about the extra cash you’ll be saving in the long run.