The Do’s and Don’ts of Starbucks That Every Customer Should Know
A Florida Barista, who shall remain nameless, thought that if you frequent Starbucks there are some things that you should know, but just in case you don’t here are some do’s and don’ts.
Don’t rush the barista to make your drink because you’re running late, “If you see the line is out the door, then you’ll have to make a choice.”
Don’t ask for water at the handoff, or ask for your drink before its put on the handoff, the barista is hand making your specialty drink so they have to be fully attentive, which is the same reason why your half-made drink is put on the bar, because the next step requires our full attention.
Do ask for whip cream before your drink is finished and tell the barista the ingredients of the secret menu drinks, most of the time the Barista isn’t required to know the secret drinks but if you can find the recipe online, it helps a lot.
Are you confused by Starbucks culture? What Starbucks rule took you the longest to learn?