Netflix Star Marie Kondo Is Tripling Thrift Store Inventories
Marie Kondo Is A Boon To Thrift Stores Are you one of those people who immediately started decluttering your home after binge-watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo? You’re not alone. Thanks to the Netflix series, thrift stores are becoming flooded with donations from those who have applied the KonMari method to their lives, thanking the items that no longer “spark joy” and saying goodbye. At Calgary’s Mission Thrift Store, manager Laura Laanstra has seen its inventory triple compared to this time last year. Zoe Budinski of Zoe’s Store noticed the same thing. Laanstra says a man came into the shop with 35 high-end dress shirts, telling her, “I’m Kondo-ing. I’m tidying up. Take these.” Has all this talk of decluttering inspired you to tidy up? How has the process gone? How do you now feel?