Should Election Day Be A National Holiday?
The current bill is proposing to designate “Democracy Day” as a national election holiday before a special committee. The bill which was proposed By Senator Bernie Sanders, is in an effort to make voting easier for Americans.
According to Pew Research data, US voter turnout trails most developed countries. However, that may be because in many other countries, the government automatically registers voters and holds elections on days that are weekend days or national holidays. So it seems that may be the idea behind this push. Advocates think this will assist in voter turnout.
On the other hand, some argue voters already have ample options to vote that don’t involve showing up at the polls on Election Day. There are 37 states where early voting is offered and Americans can vote in person before Election Day. In addition there are 27 states and the District of Columbia that allow voters to request absentee ballots without an excuse, allowing them to vote by mail.
So what side do you fall on? If you want to read more about this discussion on Business Insider click HERE: