How To Cash In On Those Annoying Robocalls In Florida
If you get one of the many robocalls that are made to Floridians each day, it’s possible to make it worth your time to battle back to the possible tune of thousands of dollars.
There are laws that govern the use of robocalls. Debt collectors, telemarketers and mortgage services all use these types of calls, but they have permission from agreements ahead of time.
If a person feels harassed by these types of calls, it’s possible to revoke the consent that allowed the calls.
If they do not honor a verbal request, or written request, to end the calls, the company can face fines. Each time they call after the consent to those calls can be fined up to $1,500.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act can be found here, and it explains how this can be done.
This only applies to legitimate companies.