55% Of Americans Don’t Use Their Vacation Time
According to Project Time Off, 55% of Americans did not use their vacation time last year, that’s 658 million vacation days left unused.
222 million of those vacation days do not role over to next year so they are gone for good. So why do Americans not use there vacation time/ According to their research, the number one reason for to not take vacation is they don’t want to return to a huge mountain if work when they return. 40%. Second reason at 35% was nobody else can do the job. Third reason at 33% was not being able to afford a vacation.
Other reasons given for not using vacation time was the fear of being replaced by someone better than you filling in for you.
I’ve let several weeks go down the drain over the years and I’ve always wanted the company to turn it into cash for me instead of time, but who’s dreaming now? LOL
Most Europeans work far fewer hours than us and see vacation as a right.
Source: FairyGodBoss