1.7 Million Packages Stolen Off Porches Everyday But Tampa Porch Pirate Numbers Dropping
Getting in your car and driving to the mall to shop takes a lot more effort than shopping online. More and people, including me, do most of my Christmas shopping online. How many times have you seen a porch pirate captured on Ring video on the news stealing a package and running. Some porch pirates get caught, but most get away with your stuff. Have you ever had a package stolen off your porch?
This video was put together 3 years ago and it’s been viewed over 12 million times on YouTube.The homeowner who was sick and tired of having his packages stolen off the porch takes matters into his own hands and sets a bait box to explode on whoever steals it off his porch.
Tampa Police report track stolen package numbers within city limits. Last November 25 packages were stolen. This November, only 10 packages were stolen. The use of security cameras like Ring capturing every face that comes to your door could be one big reason, but still the best way to keep your package safe is not to leave it on your porch for long periods of time. Amazon lockers are now available at Wholefoods, Steinmart and Amazon has a link to help you search for a locker near you HERE.