Greg Lindberg Interviews Roxanne Wilder About Joining The MJ Morning Show
Roxanne, here. I had the pleasure of chatting with Greg Lindberg over the weekend about joining MJ, Fester and Froggy on the Morning Show.
It’s only been two weeks, but I do feel like the guys have been so welcoming and I’m picking up on the flow and vibe of the show pretty quickly.
Here is my quick impression of the guys:
MJ – Very bright, almost savant-like (knows serial numbers of his favorite products). I’m more tolerant of MJ’s flaws than I am of other people who might have the same flaws.*
Fester – Phenomenal communicator. He can be comedic and compassionate…and bossy and biting. I totally connect with his dual personalities.*
Froggy – Very creative; And also very dark…into the macabre. I appreciate his depth.*
*Truthfully, I hardly know these guys. I just wrote these based on their horoscopes. But they sound right on.
To check out the interview, click here.
Here is Roxanne cooking with her daughter.