Why You Might Not See Scales at Publix In 2022
We’ve all stepped into the scales located at the front of the stores.
Each time you come into Publix, you’ve walked by that familiar green scale. Where did it come from and why is it going away?
When Publix first put scales in their stores, they weren’t necessarily found in everyone’s home. You only learned your weight when you went to visit a doctor. In the early days of the Publix store, the company added one that customers could use for free. From then on, the scales have been in the stores and every day you can watch people check their weight.

Fast forward eight decades plus, and they’re still in stores. Sadly, the company that built these scales stopped making these scales and their parts in 2016. Publix maintains the scales, but that will eventually be something they can no longer do. Eventually, each store will lose those familiar scales.
Florida’s Publix stores will continue to have them for as long as they can. Publix purchased all the available parts and will continue to maintain working scales in their stores. However, one day these scales will go away.
You can learn more about the history of Publix scales here.
[Source: ClickOrlando/News Channel 8]
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