Instagram Model Shows Reality VS Online Body Photos
A social media model posted images that shows the difference between reality and what you see in pictures.
Yahoo News posted a number of ‘before’ and ‘after’ style images of Sara Puhto, who is an influencer on Instagram. She did so to demonstrate just how much different pictures of people are with the tricks and filters used online.
The 25-year-old from Finland didn’t plan do to this to shame others, but rather to show what she looks like most of the day.
Have you met Sara Puhto? Sara is a 25 year old content creator from Finland who promotes body and self acceptance! Sara posts photos often showing what her body looks like posed vs. unposed, showing how natural it is for the same body to look different in different positions.
— MEDIAGIRLS (@MediaGirlsOrg) April 25, 2022
[Source: Yahoo News]