Florida Restauranteur Finds $10K In Left-Behind Purse
Ever left your wallet or purse in a restaurant?
An unsettling feeling, no doubt. A customer left her purse in a Florida restaurant. It could have been a disaster, but it turned into a feel-good story.
There’s a Mexican restaurant in Panama City Beach called AutentiKa Mexican Grille. Lucy Rodriguez is the owner and she said last weekend, she discovered a bag someone had left behind at one of the tables.
She needed to find out who it belonged to so she checked inside to look for identification of the owner. But what did she find? A whole lot of cash! Almost $10,000.
Rodriguez didn’t let anything happen to the purse. She kept it with her until the owner was able to make it back to the restaurant.
She shared that her mother taught her how important it is to have integrity.
Rodriguez said, “It doesn’t matter whether it’s $40 or $10,000… You always do the right thing, and that’s what I want to pass on to people out there. When you come to my house, we will take care of you. As simple as that.”
Rodriguez added, “mi casa es su casa.” And she explained that’s it’s must more than just a casual expression at AutentiKa. They really mean it.
What is the craziest thing or most valuable thing you’ve ever left behind? You know what totally annoys me…when I leave my to-go box in a restaurant. First off, I undoubtedly was looking forward to my delicious leftovers, but second of all, you just feel like a complete idiot. I can also recall a time when I was traveling with a friend of mine in New York City, and he left his wallet in a cab. (That was in the old days…before Uber.) So it was darn near impossible to track down the cab driver. My friend lost all of his cash, credit cards, and his identification, which made for a difficult time trying to get back home because, of course, you need your license to get through airport security.
You can find out more details about this story here.