Florida Snow Rookies Unsure What To Do
Florida snow? Those two words usually don’t go together.
For those of us who fled the cold snowy winters of the north, we get a kick out of seeing how excited Floridians get about the white stuff. You think it’s so adorable on postcards. Countless classic Christmas carols reference snow. It’s a beautiful thing… as long as you don’t have to live with it. Well this week, Florida got its taste of life with snow. And it was… interesting.
I’m sure you read how they had to shut major highways down. One little town in Florida got over 9 inches of snow. What do you do with that kind of snow? It’s not like we have sleds and snowshoes stashed away in the garage. (Maybe some of you transplants with hoarding issues do.) Well up in Tallahassee, they improvised. I never imagined a grocery cart would substitute for a sled, but here we are.
Florida Snow Rookies: How They Improvised
Most of us don’t keep a grocery carriage on hand so there were other creative attempts at makeshift sleds in North Florida, from tables to skateboards.

Here in the Tampa area, we didn’t see any snow… but we definitely got a dose of the cold weather. Temperatures in the morning have dipped into the 30s in many parts of the Tampa area. But if you’re not a fan of this week of winter weather, be patient. Air conditioners will be back on in Florida when temperatures should return to the 70s next week.