Froggy mistakes spray paint for hand sanitizer, and it gets all over him. A famous celebrity is selling a pair of underwear and the gang tries to guess who. Roxanne may have even met this person before. MJ reads a story about a recipe name change. He asks callers if the world is getting too PC because of this. The Costco return policy is something else. What all can you return without question?
Where are you on the hug-o-meter? Coop went down to the Florida Keys and found out there’s no such thing as Kokomo. Froggy performs a song about MJ and his new attitude at work. MJ ordered a package on Amazon and it shipped in less than 2 hours. Is this common? MJ wants to start doing a “daily reflection” after a study said it was good for you.
A Richmond, VA schoolboard member falls victim to a juvenile prank. A Crotchety Old Man call leaves Milton Fludgecow locked in a freezer. Coop thinks his neighbors are dead after he finds a Hello Fresh box is rotting on their doorstep.