MJ is all clammed up after returning from his trip to Boston over the weekend. Today’s Morons in the News features a woman who allegedly set a gas station clerk on fire, and a woman from The Villages who apparently tried to escape jail MacGruber style. There is an update on the high school student who got punched in the face during a track meet in Florida. Apparently, somebody spoke too soon about if they were pressing charges.
Are Lucky Charms making you go “number 2?” There are a ton of reports on how Lucky Charms are causing emergency trips to the bathroom. Have you heard about the Amazon return pallets? MJ got an e-mail from a listener about a woman who said she got her bra size measured by someone at a store. But things get weird when she gets told something by another employee. Estelle Harris, most famously known for playing George’s mom on Seinfeld passed away at the age of 93 on Sunday. MJ and the crew listen to some of the best moments from her on the show.
2 people in Tampa were struck by lightning while leaving a Yankee’s game over the weekend. Roxanne was a judge at the Taste of South Tampa, but somehow doesn’t know who won the big awards. Which airlines are most likely to lose your luggage? It’s the Jayhawks vs. the Tar Heels facing off in the NCAA Championship tonight. Apparently someone’s wife has been super into the entire tournament. Who do you have your money on?