On today’s MJ Morning Show:
Fester’s beard
Morons in the news!
Re-enactment of Gwyneth Paltrow’s ski slope incidnet
Texas man whose vehicle was stolen took law into his own hands
Concealed carry without permit coming
Was MJ’s dogs’ kennel experience tip-worthy?
What is ‘Fizzling’?
College basketball championship is done
Wheelchair pushing hockey player no longer on a team
School bus driver tirade
Carjacker in parking lot fails, but does lots of damage
Lionel Richie wrote the rest of Kenny Rogers’ “Lady” where?
14 subtle ways to know if someone is very rich
Peeps have a carcinogen in them?
Chocolate factory explosion survivor
Meet the Whittakers, the most inbred family
Laundry detergent that was recalled… Laundress