MJ and Roxanne are having problems with their credit scores. Why did both of their credit scores randomly decrease over a hundred points? Listeners call to share their thoughts on what might be the reason. One caller admits she has a credit score of only 350 points. What happened? Dollar General is recalling their chairs after reports of amputations. Will this affect Fester and his dollar store shopping?
There’s a new contestant in the Truth Booth! Michelle is in the hot seat, and Wink Tinklecrotch (a.k.a Fester) has a set of questions that Michelle has to answer truthfully. But not before she finds out MJ bought a 5-pound bag of gummy bears online. Now that MJ finally watched the The Karate Kid, Froggy quizzes MJ with “The Karate Quiz.”
Beloved national anthem singer for the Tampa Bay Lightning and Air Force Veteran Sonya Bryson-Kirksey is out of the ICU, and MJ talks with her husband about the road to recovery. What advice does Jimmie Kirksey have for families who can’t see their loved ones in the hospital with COVID-19? MJ sends Fester out to find lost pets so that the show can get good PR, just like the Culpepper and Kurland commercial.