MJ and Froggy had no idea their wives talked to each other. Now they are setting up a book club together. How did MJ and Froggy not know about this? Roxanne is sad that her favorite pool guy is retiring. There is a discrepancy in the real age of Fester’s car.
MJ finds a new study that woman are more likely to be injured in a car accident. Can Froggy, Fester, or Roxanne guess why? One listener asks MJ and the gang if they could talk about Kelly Rip-A my clothes off, an MJ Morning Show throwback segment. Unfortunately, there is another update on the Gorilla Glue Girl. What situation is she stuck in this time?
MJ talks about the controversy happening with Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Not only did he leave for Mexico, but he left an important thing behind. Do you think the lady who left her kids in a Motel 6 is a bad mom? Does she deserve her GoFundMe donations? Roxanne talks about her hatred for Bill Gates.