On today’s MJ Morning Show:
What was found in the White House?
Morons in the news
Sandwich story-guy hit in face with a sub
Subway story-worst sign in front of a Subway location
Our security issue?
The unsinkable MJ Morning sub
Froggy’s medical episode
Epic meltdown on an airplane
Spirit Airlines incident in Orlando
A listener’s restaurant check had an extra fee on it
Chloe tried to show Scout how to throw up
Is this song annoying?
Roller coaster with crack in the track… guy who took video said there was no sense of urgency from employees
Polk County man called for law enforcement about vandalism to his car, but…
Sheetz gas station had a great price on gas for July 4
Kale has WHAT in it?
A visit to the studio from an engineer
Nathan’s hot dog eating contest