MJ’s son Julian is getting his learner’s permit today. Fester asks Julian if he would rather learn from MJ or Michelle. Coop brings in a new food for MJ and the rest of the gang to try. Would you every try mustard on a watermelon? One member of the show went back for more.
MJ says Roxanne ruined a bit, but she has a good reason. MJ wanted Roxanne to replace her daughter’s Goldfish with the new spicy flavor, but Roxanne was too transparent with her daughter. Froggy tries it with his kids, and they were disgusted. Jessica Simpson is coming out with a new memoir, which makes MJ curious if any listeners would read a Paris Hilton book.
A listener texted Roxanne wondering about a new USAToday cover story with half human/half goat looking kids. Turns out it’s a stunt from a new Netflix show. Walmart employees could be getting free phones, but is this a violation of privacy? MJ plays a classic Crotchety Old Man Call, when Milton Fludgecow tries to apply for car insurance during an accident.