MJ talks with a listener about having a bacon party for her students. Kurt Cobain’s hair is going up for auction. MJ and the gang talk about how much a lock of his hair went up for. A fight broke out in a Little Caesar’s, and MJ plays the audio.
MJ answers questions about the “Show Us Your MJ” contest, and brainstorms ideas on what listeners can do to win the brand new car. Shaquille O’Neal admits to Jimmy Kimmel that he encountered aliens back in the ’90s. Are you a shop-a-holic? There might be a reason for an urge to splurge. MJ asks callers if hings they have bought things hey really didn’t need.
Tiger Woods is bringing a Popstroke to Tampa. What are some things the crew thinks he should put on display? Roxanne has some thoughts to share about Chrissy Teigan, who is under a lot of fire for bullying online. MJ talks with Michelle about the death of film star Charles Grodin.