On today’s MJ Morning Show:
Fester fell
Is this teacher a jerk?
Morons in the news
Contract chatter “We Gotta Get Outta This Place”
Fester’s MRI
Sardo’s coming back, and he’ll have a guest
Cake Girl’s birthday
A class action lawsuit
Biggest online dating jerk of all time
Roxanne’s girls’ night out
MJ’s latest Walmart trip
MJ’s Instagram
MJ’s trip to an RSJ
Michelle’s driving MJ nuts
Average adult spends only 4 hours per month with friends?
Leo’s birthday party has some more mature women?
Dave’s Killer Bread
Guy at McDonald’s drive through screams at employees and reaches in to anything he can grab, demands food
A Hal Herman visit
Deputy update
Don’t buy gold in a back alley
Elon Musk story of the day
Matthew Perry… ex-girlfriend suggests possible problem
Tony Danza… did he have a spat with someone over a dog?
Passenger threatened with being kicked off if won’t stop singing
Upgraded passenger sent back because of broken seat, off-duty pilot given the seat