On today’s MJ Morning Show:
Brady’s been sacked
Mystery car in parking lot
Fester went to the Bucs game
Morons in the news
Roxanne’s phone pin?
Fisherman cheaters have made a court appearance
Kanye news
Handicap tag on cars being sold on the black market – Calls, including Sheriff Chad Chronister
Matthew Perry crazy interview clips
MJ heard a car alarm all night
Eating before bed (Cheese!) gives you nightmares
Antonio Brown has been ordered to pay up
Halloween candy and kids
Froggy’s kid is sick, and 62% of Americans go to work even when they’re sick.
The case of the missing irises
The woman who claimed she was too pretty to be arrested is accused of murder
Musk has taken over Twitter, and quickly made some changes at the top
Brady-Bundchen ultimatum?