On today’s MJ Morning Show:
The buttery softness of Roxanne’s pants?
Morons in the news
Do you know the other people in the car line?
Texts from Michelle
PMS: Perfect Moment Syndrome
Public restroom hand-dryers… STILL bad for you
MJ’s mid-week dinners with Michelle
New place in Midtown
Netflix will be raising prices
Scam alert: passing costume jewelry off as real
A wedding gift registry featured paying off a speeding ticket… we took calls
Halloween decorated house… MJ’s Instagram
Should you charge guests for a gender reveal party?
Would MJ make a good pilot?
United Airlines has a new method of boarding a plane
Airline armrest etiqutte
Types of drunks
Middle East update
Britney Spears news
Inmate was exhonerated, then shot and killed by police
Food delivery stories
Must-hear story… what do chef’s avoid
A call to Froggy’s wife