On today’s MJ Morning Show:
Injured Florida teacher seemingly forgotten by county
Morons in the news
Pat Sajak told guest it’s still HIS show
Keeping secrets is good for you
MJ’s creepy dream about an Uber ride
A couple is suing VW about not having the subscription for GPS tracking
What is ‘cricketing’?
People are upset with MJ over his Walmart video
Heinz ketchup an energy source for runners?
Are Trader Joe’s employees hooking up?
Elon Musk is having tantrums?
Alec Baldwin may be facing renewed charges
Hillsborough County approves speed cameras for school zones
Pet psychics
Woman upset about being searched at Disney
“Take Care of Maya”… possible settlement
Worst way to ruin a cruise experience
Sexiest Man
Must-hear story… a company is opening brick and mortar stores
Thanksgiving travel
Passenger fined for interfering with a flight crew… nearly $40,000
Why did Man rob Dollar Store twice?