On today’s MJ Morning Show:
Morons in the news
Update: Police want to know who’s casing MJ’s neighborhood
NCAA Football National Championship… Derek Jeter was there… where was Dig Doug?
Student attacked teacher while on hallucinogens
Mystery: How is this possible for an iPhone?
Miami police say there was no alien… Froggy says it’s real… We took calls
Multivitamins… are they a waste?
USPS won’t deliver to a home because of…
Roxanne’s concerned about how schools may be handling the weather situation
Need a job? Try driving one of these…
CNN Anchor Sara Sidner’s breast cancer message
Vegas courtroom attacker was sentenced for original charge… the one for his attack on a judge comes later, with a different judge (Not Judge Reinhold)
E-mail from listener about Michael Bolton
Fake Stanley cups