On today’s MJ Morning Show:
How old is Britney Spears?
Ricky Gervais told a really unfunny joke
Morons in the news
Whining about wine
Panera facing another lawsuit?
Watering restrictions
MJ’s blue bag… what’s in it? We took guesses from listeners.
Waffle House tattoo
Appealing butt to waist ratio
Oxford’s word of the year
Mini nose jobs? Is she crazy?
Father allowed his daughter to sell nudes online
“St. Pete” Rays?
% of workers who cheat at the holiday party
“Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” is #1
If coworkers so much as sniffle, your body immediately reacts
Froggy’s IG post
Is Fester’s family getting a dog?
Cat owners have double the chance of schizophrenia
Must-hear story… never get THIS on a plane
McDonald’s has a spinoff restaurant
Tattoo store owner, Neil Marcus checked in
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