On today’s MJ Morning Show:
Ingrid Andress Drunk
Morons in the news
What are “Tourons”?
Cyber Trucks
Hospital visit after eating a burger off a grill and injesting metal
A guy returned a playground set he purchased in 2008 to Costco
What are ‘super synchronizers’?
History Quiz – Nearly 70% of college students got this wrong
MJ’s disorder, as diagnosed by his wife
MJ’s diagnosis by Roxanne and “Cats”
Special orders apparently do upset some Burger King employees
Bigger butts set off body scanners at airports
Leukens Tampa hosts Glenn Howerton this weekend
If you send text without an emoji, is it naked?
An airplane was evacuated for a laptop fire… Did passengers follow instructions?
If your guy doesn’t do this, dump him
Attempted Trump assassin had a high school nickname, “School Shooter”
Are you psyched for the Summer Olympics? A little? At all?
Warning: Phony Botox
Warning: Phony bags
In other news, there’s a “Miss Cleo” movie coming soon…