From an intuitive standpoint, I would think Florida would be a good place to kick the bucket.
We know it’s a good place to retire to, so wouldn’t it seem that dying in the Sunshine State would be a good thing, too? It would just follow suit. But there’s a new list that was put out by Policy Genius that ranks the states’ favorability when it comes to perishing.
You might not give a lot of thought to where you want to be living when you die, but surely, at the end of your life you want to go peacefully and leave what you want to your loved ones.
Anne Neumann is author of The Good Death: An Exploration of Dying in America. “Dying can be made more difficult by stress, disorientation, isolation, pain, not understanding one’s circumstances, and other factors.” Assuming one doesn’t die in an accident, most of us want to go with our dearest loves around us, fulfilled, and not in pain. So which states favor this ending? Vermont is best with very manageable funeral and burial costs.
The study looked at factors beyond funeral and burial costs. It also examined which states had the best and worst palliative care and Medicare providers.
Here are the worst states to die in: