On today’s MJ Morning Show:
Roxanne wants to know why law enforcement vehicles have their lights on
Morons in the news
Leaf blower shooting
A school bus was boarded by an angry man
Do you know if your doctor is real?
Bird strikes forces return of plane out of the Tampa area
A bathroom leak on a Delta flight caused problems on the flight deck
TSA busts a guy with an insane item in his luggage
Roxanne’s dream/Ozempic side effects
How to stop your phone from revealing private information
How much do you need to make to live comfortably in Florida?
Froggy’s experience as a little league coach
Ed Sheeran songwriting lawsuit update
Kim Kardashian Only Fans lookalike died from…
Billion dollar winner from California seen in public
During MJ’s ride-along… a two-year’s expired tag on car
Fester and Froggy’s pizza place… the ‘Dom N Nose’ story
Jamie Fox still hospitalized… possibly from a stroke?
A woman from Largo shot a bird… no, literally shot her bird