It’s time to play, “Use That Word in a Sentence!” Roxanne had a situation happen to her last night, and now she’s wondering if she might have a medical condition. But what should you do and not do when this happens to you? The amnesty boxes at two Chicago airports haven’t been working too well. A Florida man makes today’s Morons in the News when police find the most Florida animal ever in the bed of a pickup truck.
Chloe strikes again. Did you see this post on MJ’s Instagram account from over the weekend? Will Smith has been banned from the Oscars. He now joins the short list of other people that have been banned from the award show. Have you heard of grocery grabbing? Someone MJ knows witnessed it over the weekend. Michelle had a boob brush incident on a plane this weekend. Have any listeners ever had a similar experience?
“I Did That” stickers with Joe Biden’s face have been popping up at a lot of gas station in the area. But one man gets arrested after getting caught, and then resisted arrest. A woman on TikTok claims she went “number 2” in the front seat of her ex-boyfriend’s car. But is this audio safe for broadcast? Are you in a second choice marriage? Some callers claim to be, and MJ asks how they got there.