Here are the 10 hottest Tampa Bay Buccaneers players! Remember this list is all based on the opinions of ladies in Tampa Bay who called into the radio station WiLD 941! These ladies live in Tampa, St. Petersburg, or anywhere in the surrounding area. When we say “Hottest” we are strictly talking about looks.
Are you a Bucs fan? I am and have been one ever since moving to Tampa in 2019. I’m also a Lions fan because I was born and raised in Detroit. I’m actually pretty torn on what to wear to Sunday’s game. I think I’m just gonna keep it neutral. Maybe I will wear a Lion’s Bra and Bucs panties under my clothes (lol). Any suggestions? Feel free to reach out on social media!
How The List Was Determined
I pretty much just asked women to call in and tell me who they thought were the hottest Buccaneers players. The players with the most votes are on the list below. If you feel like there should be someone added or taken off feel free to email me about that as well.
Below I also included the players Instagram accounts so you can see them outside of their uniforms. It’s hard sometimes to really tell if their cute when they are wearing those helmets. Included in the list below as well is their relationship status. Some of the players you can only look at and not touch ladies!
If Gronk and Brady still played for the team they would be included in this list as well. Remember if there are some players that you want me to add, let me know! Ladies called in, mentioned and voted for the guys below. One of the guys on this list is coming on my show on Friday and bringing tickets to Sundays game! Below are the 10 hottest Tampa Bay Buccaneer Players.
See you soon and Go Bucs! See The Full Bucs roster here.