Make-A Wish Vacation Goes Wrong At Universal Orlando
Ryan DeFillippo , 7, lives in Detroit and he has spina bifida. Ryan is getting ready for serious surgery in a few weeks, so his family was so happy to go on the Make-A-wish trip to Orlando before the surgery and before the holidays.Stacy DeFillippo says Ryan and the rest of the family were in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter about to get on a coaster when she placed her purse in one of the lockers as instructed. When they got off the ride she said her purse didn’t feel right and she noticed it was unzipped. Her Make-A-Wish debit card and $500 cash were missing. Stacy told reporters she doesn’t blame Universal because it’s not their job to watch her purse. Make-A-Wish was able to cancel the debit card and get more cash to the DeFillippo family so they could enjoy the rest of their vacation.
There are so many new things this holiday season at Universal Orlando – check it out!