Florida Couple Learns Why Not To Go To The Bathroom During A Thunderstorm
A Charlotte County Florida couple learned why not to go to the bathroom during a thunderstorm. I’ve heard about lightning striking outside and then traveling inside, but it’s not really something you think about during a thunderstorm. Check out what happened to their toilet during a lightning strike because it’s crazy. A-1 Affordable Plumbing posted this picture to Facebook on Sunday with this advice:
No more pooping while it’s storming outside.
Lightening struck this home owners septic tank, igniting the methane gas (natural gas from sewer) in the sewer pipes and causing an explosion. The toilet exploded in home owners master bathroom sending porcelain airborne like a missile (the porcelain penetrated into wall). Most likely all sewer piping will need to be replaced and septic tank. luckily no one was hurt! Scheduling a camera inspection this week to see how much sanitary pipe needs to be replaced!! “
Source WFLA