Most Counterfeited Products In U.S.
USA Today has released their list of the 5 most counterfeited items being sold in the United States.
So, the next time you go to buy something, be sure to check that the item you are buying is in fact the real deal.
Based on the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of the genuine versions of the counterfeit goods, some of the most valuable imitations were of handbags and wallets, watches and jewelry, and consumer electronics. 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the nine most counterfeit items seized in 2013, based on their retail value.
Here are the 5 most counterfeited items that are shipped to the US.
- Handbags/Wallets – MSRP of seized goods: $700.2 million
- Watches/Jewelry – MSRP of seized goods: $502.8 million
- Consumer Electronics/Parts – MSRP of seized goods: $145.9 million
- Wearing Apparel/Accessories – MSRP of seized goods: $116.2 million
- Pharmaceuticals/Personal Care – MSRP of seized goods: $79.6 million
One of the biggest problems authorities are dealing with is that a large segment of the US population doesn’t care that the item they are purchasing is counterfeit… they just want the perception that they have an expensive item that others can’t afford.