“Selfie Deaths” Are On The Rise
“Selfie Deaths”? Is that really a thing?
Researchers say that there have now been over 250 “selfie deaths” over the past 6 years, according to The Hill.
What country does this happen in the most? You’d be surprised. It’s not the U.S. where we seem to see people taking selfies everywhere. The Hill reports that the #1 country for “selfie deaths” is INDIA! They are followed by Russia and then, the US.
The biggest problems seem to be when people try to snap a selfie in the water or near a train. Ugh, what a way to go. I also have to wonder how many deaths happen every year just from people not paying attention while they walk. We already know people are way too distracted by their phones while they drive.
Me… I refuse to be manipulated like Pavlov’s Dog by the media to respond to that smart phone every time it beeps. I actually take pride in not jumping to look at the phone. There is nothing on the planet THAT important… nothing. Take your life back from these brain-washers. And get your kids off of that thing too.
BTW… social media and tech CEO’s across the board ban their children from using a smartphone at all. Hmm… I wonder why. That story is coming . Check back here in the next few days.