Do You Shower TOO Much?
I’m sure the majority of us shower daily while some folks shower more than once a day. It makes us feel good, plus its often times relaxing to get into a hot steamy shower or take a long soak in the tub at the end of a hard day. But, is it good for you?
There is a pretty strong consensus among dermatologist that you don’t need to shower everyday, and that in fact its much better for your skin if you don’t. However, three quarters of us do it everyday anyway.
According to a new survey reported by YouGov, 49% of people shower once a day, 20% take one almost everyday, and there is 6 % of us that do take more than once a day. And believe it or not, they are worse off than the 18% of people who shower only two to three times a week, as well as the 3% who only take one shower a week. And there’s that 1% of people that only take one shower a month. I think we all know who they are! 😉
So to sum it all up, perhaps some of us are showering too much. Maybe we should be kinder to our skin and back off all the frequent showers. It may not make you the most popular at the office or club, but hey… you’ll have great skin!