Mother’s Day Dining Survey
Mother’s Day is coming up this weekend. It’s the perfect day to say thank you to the one person in the world that has loved us unconditionally, our whole lives.
So, for this one special day, shouldn’t we try and give her exactly what she wants? I think so. And the first thing should be to treat her to a meal she doesn’t have to cook.
Trip conducted a survey of over 7,900 U.S. participants on Mother’s Day dining. The results may be a bit surprising. Mom’s idea of a great Mother’s Day dining experience may not be what you think.
Take a look at the survey results below:
- 70% of family members believe they anticipate their mom’s Mother’s Day dining preferences “extremely” or “very” well, while only 46% of Moms agree.
- Mom’s top dining choice for celebrating Mother’s Day is going out to brunch (30%), yet only 16% report being taken out to brunch by their families last year.
- Her other top dining choices: a home-cooked meal (24%) and going out to dinner (17%).
- Moms aren’t picky: Their favorite restaurant style for Mother’s Day is everyday dining (restaurants that provide great meals for any occasion) over fine dining.
Wow! So what DO we get right? We know Mom enjoys spending the day with all her children (48%), with her partner (25%) and extended family (19%) over being alone (<1%).
So, while making a reservation at some fine dining spot for dinner may seem like the best idea to spoil Mom, maybe that isn’t her first choice. Perhaps instead, think about planning on spending the whole day with her, and make those reservation for brunch instead!
And from personal experience, I know the big brunch destinations here in Tampa Bay are slammed on Mother’s Day. Lucky for me because this year my Mom wants good ‘ole fashioned Pierogies, I know just where to get ’em.
Good luck on giving your Mom her best Mother’s Day ever!