List of Tampa Bay Area Beaches Reopening Today
More beaches reopen today as concerns over the spread of the coronavirus ease for many. Each county here in the Tampa Bay area has their own specific rules. Here’s what to expect:
Pinellas County
Beaches in St. Pete and Clearwater closed back on March 20. Fox 13 reports cheers were heard at 7am when they officially reopened at Clearwater Beach. The only rules for Pinellas beaches is that you can’t have a group of more than 10 and you must keep social distancing in mind when picking a spot to lay your beach chair or towel. Parking lots and restrooms will be open. Expect to see a heavy police presence and lots of signage to enforce the rules.
Hillsborough County
Public beaches remain closed but some parks opened today, according to a tweet from the City of Tampa.
Manatee County
Beaches reopen to the public at 10am today. You can sunbathe, but must keep apart from other groups. There is a two hour parking limit. Lots are open from 10am-9pm.
Sarasota County
They actually opened last week but it was for exercise only. Starting today, you can bring a towel and lay out. Plus parking lots will now be open. Like the Pinellas beaches, you must keep a social distance of 6 feet from other groups. You can’t have more than 10 in your entourage.
Pasco County
Parks like Sunwest Park reopened this weekend, but public beaches remain closed according to Fox 13. The Board of Commissioners meet tomorrow (May 5).
Source: Fox 13
Here’s a look at some upcoming Q105 concerts here in the Tampa Bay area along with a few we think are worth a road trip! Many of these shows may be postponed given the coronavirus situation.