Big Changes at Raymond James Stadium Coronavirus Testing Site
The wait has been long and until now, most days the testing site was closed at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. Fox 13 says now the state has stepped in and taken over the process. That will let testing go from 2 to 5 days a week. They should be less likely to run out of supplies now too. They say there will be enough tests every day for about 1,000 people. You DO still need an appointment though. And that’s not easy. Appointment times are now backed up for weeks.
The situation isn’t much better over at Tropicana Field. They opened up operations yesterday at 7am and had reached their limit of tests within about an hour. Before you head over, it might be a good idea to call 1-800-BayCare (229-2273). They’re running the testing at The Trop.
You might have more luck looking for testing options at a CVS near you or at a health center. In Hillsborough County, you can call 888-513-6321 for help. If you’re in Pinellas County, visit this site to see who’s offering testing. [Source: Fox 13]
Q105 Concert Calendar
Here’s a look at some upcoming Q105 concerts here in the Tampa Bay area along with a few we think are worth a road trip! Many of these shows may be postponed given the coronavirus situation.