Howard Frankland Bridge Construction Video From Above: 2023 vs 2024
Every time you jump on the Howard Frankland, it’s tough not to get distracted by all the work being done on the new bridge. Watch these videos below of the Howard Frankland Bridge construction from high above. The first is an update from last summer. Then watch and compare that with the newest video from the summer of 2024. The videos really show the dramatic progress they’ve made this past year.
The new Howard Frankland Bridge plans
The new Howard Frankland Bridge won’t be done until the end of next year (“late 2025” is the official word from the Florida Department of Transportation). But we’re getting there. It’ll be 8 lanes wide. There are 4 general use lanes and four express lanes.
The biggest change from the old to the new Howard Frankland Bridge will be for those who want to get some exercise and a new view of Tampa Bay. There will also be a pathway for bicycles and pedestrians that’s separated from the roadway. Right now, you can do that walk or ride on the Courtney Campbell, but pedestrians and bicycles are forbidden on the current Howard Frankland Bridge.
What’s happening to the existing Howard Frankland Bridge?
Once the new bridge is built and all traffic is moved into final alignment, the existing northbound/eastbound (St. Petersburg to Tampa) bridge you’re driving on now will be removed.

Howard Frankland Bridge Construction by the numbers
According to FDOT, all of the pilings have been driven now. 99% of the bridge footings and 98% of the columns are done. 77% of the bridge superstructure beams are in place. These numbers are all as of June 2024. Take a look at these 2 Howard Frankland Bridge construction update videos. The first one is from last summer. The second is only about a month old.
Summer 2023:
Summer 2024: