Geno’s 4:20 Useless Trivia Answers
Every weekday afternoon at 4:20, Geno finds some weird stat or fact that will in no way help you in life. It’s useless. Ya know… kind of like those calculus classes you took in high school. Be the first to call 800-990-1047 and correctly answer Geno’s 4:20 Useless Trivia question to win fun prizes like concert tickets, theme park passes, gift cards and more. Or if we’re playing by text, get the right answer and your name goes into a random drawing from the correct entries received for that day’s prize.
Get called into a meeting? Were you in the grocery store? If you ever miss the Geno’s 4:20 Useless Trivia answer, at the end of the show, Geno posts the answer to that day’s question below at 8pm. You’ll also find the answers to the other Geno’s 4:20 Useless Trivia questions that have been bugging you over the past few days.
Answers to recent Geno’s 4:20 Useless Trivia Questions
This week, winners score tickets to see Rick Springfield at Ruth Eckerd Hall!
March 26: Only about 1 in 25 of us lives without one of these… that’s the lowest number ever.
March 25: Happy birthday to Elton John. In an 80s interview, he said money wasn’t that much of a thing to him when he made it in the United States. He just couldn’t believe his record was higher on the charts than this group. Congrats to Natali Lima in Land O’ Lakes who knew it was Crosby Stills & Nash!
March 24: Women have had on average 6 of these in their lifetime. Many of you got this one. Congrats to Sameera Ortiz in Tampa… it was hairstyles!
This week, win tickets to check out the great concerts coming to the Busch Gardens Food & Wine Festival!
March 21: For the first time ever, industry analysts say half of us will buy this hot and half will buy it cold within 5 years. Lulu in Tampa was our winner with COFFEE!
March 20: We’re all pretty partial to the cell phone we bought but of those who switched from iPhone to Android, 1 in 3 say they did it for this reason: price/affordability! Congrats Bobby Priest in Clearwater!
March 19: The astronauts are home! When they were on the space station, they had to do this 16 times a day! Virginia Madden in Bradenton got it … orbit the earth! Imagine seeing 16 surises and sunsets every day!?
March 18: Only about 1 in 18 of us who have a job have one of these. Congrats to Harriet Barrett in Tampa… she knew it was a second job!
March 17: Happy St. Patrick’s Day! There are over 3,000 kinds of these in the world but less than 50 in Florida. Frank Greene in Valrico got it: snakes! Actually quite a few of you got it… had to do a drawing again. Someone asked what snakes have to do with St. Patrick’s Day. Saint Patrick got rid of all the snakes in Ireland according to the legend!
March 14: 79% plan to do this Monday. Emily Rivera in Port Richey got it: wear green!
March 13: If you spread it all out on the ground, the average person has 21 square feet of this stuff. Happy National Dermatology Day… it’s skin! Congrats to Laurie Toback in Palm Beach Gardens!
March 12: 37% say this thing in their life is a nightmare. Gayle Richardson in Oldsmar got it: their garage!
March 11: The average parent of a little one spends 5-1/2 hours a month doing this. Congrats to Yvette Perez in Zephyrhills who knew it was arguing and bargaining with your kid about eating! Eat those vegetables!
March 10: Doctors say you should try doing this for 20 mins a day this week to help your body adjust to daylight saving time. Matthew Kendrick in Tampa was your winner today: go outside and get 20 minutes in the sunlight as soon as you wake up!
This week win tickets to see Sting with Shaggy at Reggae Rise Up in St. Pete!
March 7: You probably had many more in the 80s butmost Americans only have 2 of these left. If you do, one is probably in the kitchen. Both of mine are. First time winner Brian Kmetz in Lithia got it: clocks you still need to change manually this weekend!
March 6: 1 in 14 Americans think this is required to make chocolate milk. Sam Johnson in Pinellas Park got it: brown cows. If you needed any more proof we’re living the movie Idiocracy right now, there ya go.
March 5: 55% have cried over this. Your hint was they were probably tears of joy. Faith Furtick in Largo got it… and I think I’ve cried tears of joy when I’ve been at Cristino’s in Clearwater when I ate their PIZZA!
March 4: 89% of Floridians have this skill… it puts us at #3 in the country. Genela Hill in New Port Richey knew it was swimming!
March 3: 11% of Americans have never done this… it costs on average about $100. Elliot Padawer in Tampa got it: gone on a date!
February 28: According to a new survey, it only annoys 34% of you, but if I see this at a place where they serve food or drink, I usually don’t go back. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves. The answer: pre-tipping … when they make you tip before you’ve even had any service. Drives me nuts! The whole reason we tip is to reward great service.
February 27: In an interview about 20 years ago, Gene Hackman said he never wanted to become one of these. Patricia Mesches in Spring Hill got it: a star! In an interview with Larry King, Gene said he just wanted to be a great actor, but not a star.
February 26: This will happen 6 times on opening day at the Florida Strawberry Festival tomorrow. I didn’t even get to my hint today (Oreos). First time winner Jennifer Harrington in Seminole knew it: pig races!
February 25: Florida Strawberry Festival opens in Plant City Thursday. 1 in 10 strawberries sold in the US have this in common. First time winner Cindy Glenn in Clearwater got it: they come from Florida!
February 24: 63% have done this at their current job. The answer: gain weight! Congrats to Scott Gorman in Tampa!
This week, winners score passes to Busch Gardens Tampa Bay!
February 21: 65% of kids have seen one of these by the time they turned 11. Connor McClimans in Tampa knew it… a horror movie!
February 20: Only 16% have had one of these since turning 40. Tammy Menendez in Tampa got it… a one night stand!
February 19: 1 in 3 want this feature for the next car they buy. Congratulations to David Hazelzet in Land O’ Lakes. He knew it was automatic windshield wipers. Definitely a feature we needed today in Tampa.
February 18: 42% have this fear that nobody really had much in the 80s. Lisa Kowynia in Tampa got it – losing cell phone service and being completely disconnected.
February 14: 2 out of 5 do this when they get a box of chocolates. Diana Drake in Dunedin got it: look at that directory to see what’s inside each chocolate. I get so angry when a box doesn’t have one. I can’t chance biting into one of those awful licorice flavored ones.
February 13: What actress did Tampa Bay Lightning player Ryan McDonough say he’d like to be his Valentine a few years ago? Al Horta in Valrico got it: Jennifer Aniston!
February 12: 69% do this more on Valentines Day than any other day of the year. It costs nothing. Tom George in Tampa got it: Say “I love you!”
February 11: 1 in 20 have dumped someone this way on Valentines Day. Dave Gullo in Land O’ Lakes got it… on social media! I could never do that to someone. Wow!
February 10: 1 in 5 buy this as a Valentine Day gift. Kelly Rebman in Plant City got it: clothing!
February 7: According to a new survey, this is the company’s ads people look forward to most on Sunday. Dena Roveland in St. Pete got it: Budweiser (or Bud Light).
February 6: 1 in 3 hope they have these at the watch party they’re going to Sunday. 1 in 4 will bring their own. It’s something you’d find at CVS or Walgreens if you need to pick it up on the way. Pam Felegy in Parrish figured it out… antacids!
February 5: 1 in 4 hope to see one of these in the ads this Sunday. Your hint… many listen to Q105 for them too. John Cole in Largo got it: contests or sweepstakes!
February 4: This fictitious TV and movie star was created in Kansas City and has been in over 100 movies. First time winner Jason Justo in Tampa got it: Mickey Mouse!
February 3: Don’t know if you’re cheering for Philadelphia or Kansas City Sunday, but if you’re having a watch party, 4 out of 5 of these are made in Pennsylvania. Bernie McDermott in Bradenton got it: pretzels!
This week, winners score Florida Strawberry Festival passes with tickets to see Lynyrd Skynyrd!
January 31: Sales of this green food went up 45% after COVID! Yurima Montesino in Tampa got it: limes! Margaritas maybe?
January 30: This well known 80s and 90s actor was in the audience in a concert scene of a Beatles movie. We gave you the hint that although this actor is well known, he’s not necessarily well known for being an actor! Cheryl King in Wesley Chapel got it… Phil Collins!
January 29: 1 in 5 do this during the Super Bowl. Marion Palomino in Lutz got it: record the game!
January 28: 1 in 4 say this is a Super Bowl party essential. Scott Gorman in Tampa knew it: brownies!
January 27: The Philadelphia Eagles are going to the Super Bowl (groan). I was surprised to learn that more people do this in Philadelphia on the way to work than another big US city (10 most populated). It saves you money was the hint. Sean Grady in Winter Haven got it: bike to work!
Up for grabs this week: Busch Gardens passes to check out the Real Music Series now through Feb 22!
January 24: You didn’t see them in the parade, but there were 18 of these last year at Gasparilla. Talan Oberoi in St. Pete was the first caller through and got it: arrests! With 300,000 taking part, 18 is not so bad. Have fun but be safe if you’re heading to Gaspy tomorrow! Bundle up!
January 23: 30% of us use the bathroom to do this. Cristy McCowan in Holiday got it: have a private conversation!
January 22: According to a Food and Travel magazine, 3 of the most popular places to pop the question in the US are all in the eastern time zone… Cinderella’s Castle, Central Park and this spot. Dave Mathisen in Lutz was your winner today: The Empire State Building.
January 21: 1 in 10 say they’ve eaten this while wearing nothing! Congrats to Kevin McCane in Pinellas Park… he knew it was soup! The Campbell’s survey found 1 in 3 have eaten soup shirtless. 1 in 5 have eaten soup not wearing pants. Talk about useless trivia!
January 17: Friday is pizza night at our place. Another one of those surveys is out ranking people’s favorite pizza toppings. Obviously pepperoni topped the list. Not surprisingly, anchovies came in last place. What do you think came in next to last just above anchovies? Frank Greene in Valrico got it: arugula!
January 16: You might be surprised to know that most who subscribe to a streaming service still do this about every 3 months. TJ Meurer in Lakeland got it: go to the movies the old fashioned way in a theater!
January 15: If you’re quitting your job in this new year, experts say don’t complain, thank them for the opportunity and most of all, don’t share this piece of information. Wayne Cameron in Seminole got it: keep hush about your next job.
January 14: Only 3% of airline travelers admit they’ve done this. It was also the premise of a big movie. The answer? Left a member of their party behind like in Home Alone. Congrats to James Frazier in St. Pete!
January 13: Many look to make a change in the new year. 1 in 3 job seekers say this is what they’re looking for at their next job. Tony Petrisko in Tampa got it: a better work-life balance!
January 10: Questions this week have been about New Year’s resolutions. Not all of us make one. Of those who didn’t, 6% say this is why they didn’t. Erika Zappa in The Villages knew… “they forgot!”
January 9: An article about easy resolutions suggests you buy these to lower your blood pressure and stress levels and help with concentration. NASA even puts them on spaceships. Cheryl McLean in Dunedin got it: plants!
January 8: I was surprised that more than 1 in 10 hope to do this for their new year’s resolution… it involves numbers. Rene LaForge in Pinellas Park got it… GAIN weight!
January 7: This celebrity’s New Year’s Resolution was to not to eat so many fatty foods and pay the extra $3 for the blow dry at supercuts. He made the resolution on his TV show in the 80s. The show is still on the air but he’s not on it. Robert Priest in Clearwater knew it… Johnny Carson!
January 6: We always hear about the usual New Year’s resolutions… losing weight, being better with money. But in the paper this weekend, it was suggested you go a whole day without doing something most people do once an hour. What is it? Debbie Gorman in Palm Harbor got it: check your email!
December 16: For Cheap Trick tickets we asked which artist Cheap Trick covered to get their 2nd biggest top 10 hit. “The Flame” was their biggest. Many assume “I Want You To Want Me” was their second, but it’s not. It was Don’t Be Cruel, their cover of Elvis Presley. Congrats to Talen in St. Pete!
This week’s prize: Tickets to have fun at Christmas Town at Busch Gardens!
December 13: 42% plan to do this to save a little money during the holiday shopping season. Kevin McCane in Pinellas Park got it: regift!
December 12: 7 out of 10 say they feel pressured to do this before Christmas. WTG to first time winner Kim Perry in Tampa! It was attend the company holiday party.
December 11: 25 years ago, one of the big 5 Christmas gifts was from a TV show. Which one? Brady Hull in Branford, FL got it. The answer: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire! (The home game.)
December 10: Chances are minimal we’re going to see a white Christmas in Tampa. If you wanna see snow on the ground, visit these 3 NFL cities. Jeff Markison in Lutz got all 3: Denver, Chicago and Indianapolis!
December 9: 43% want more of THIS during the holiday season. 1 in 3 say they get irritable if they don’t get it. First time winner Brenda Blum in New Port Richey got it… alone time!
December 6: Most prefer to communicate with friends and family via text. Phone calls are the #2 choice. What’s the 3rd most popular way? First time winner Hayden Dion in Lakeland got it… face to face in person! Remember when we used to do that?!
December 5: 2 out of 3 adults have one of these in 2024, but bet ya didn’t have one 20 years ago. If you did, you were probably in college. First time winner Santos Rivera in Port Richey got it – a Facebook account!
December 4: 1 in 10 say this is what stresses them out during gift buying season. Jimmie Brazer in Dover got it: shipping them in time!
December 3: The most wanted Christmas gift for 2024? No surprise… it’s money. But what’s #2? Clothing!
December 2: Hope your Thanksgiving dinner was over the top. 2/3 say they prefer THIS meal to the one on Thanksgiving. Kylene Leon in Zephyrhills got it… a meal of Thanksgiving leftovers!
November 26: Turkey’s #1. Mashed potato is close behind at #2. What’s the third most popular Thanksgiving food? The answer was bread (or rolls). Amanda Knife in Palm Harbor got it!
November 25: It’s not just politics. The country is divided right down the middle on 2 things on the Thanksgiving table. Half like them. Half don’t. One is stuffing. What’s the other? Diane Bolton in Palm Harbor got it: gravy!
November 22: Only 1 in 25 will do this on Thanksgiving. It’s a one word answer and it’s something you probably don’t do at home. Most go someplace else to do this. Tom Horsley in Tampa got it: volunteer!
November 21: Only about 1 in 10 like this in their Thanksgiving leftovers sandwich. Dan Abbey in Tampa figured it out… and this GROSSED me out… pumpkin pie!
November 20: Most of us (about 60%) buy a new one of these every 4 years. Andrea Berninger got it first: a laptop!
November 19: 29% of adults have done this in the past year. Sue Gorman in Tampa got it: ride a bike!
November 18: You do this less often for the first time when you turn 23. I gave you 2 big hints… it’s a one word answer and it’s something you do with your upper body. Congratulations to first time winner April Martin in Pinellas Park. She knew it was laugh! Sad answer isn’t it!?
This week’s prize: Tickets to see the Lightning Thursday night at Amalie Arena!
November 15: If you want to know the health of your male turkey, inspect this body part. If it’s big, that’s good. And lady turkeys are particularly fond of male turkeys with a long one. Answer: the snood! (That part that dangles… in front of their beaks. Get your mind out of the gutter.)
November 14: Cranberry sauce is the #1 most disliked Thanksgiving food. What’s #2? Mallory Gray in Odessa got it: yams!
November 13: Only 1 in 10 plan to do this Thanksgiving Day tradition. Jane Stebens in Riverview got it: watch football!
November 12: Only 30 percent say they are looking forward to doing this with friends and family at Thanksgiving this year. Tom George in Tampa got it – talk politics.
November 11: Many think of this as something you do more as you get older but 1 in 3 30-somethings do this once a week. That’s more than the boomers do! And they’re willing to pay about twice as much to do it. Your hint was the colors of a candy cane. Lori Taylor in St. Pete got it… drink wine!
This week’s prize: Trans Siberian Orchestra tickets at Amalie Arena December 15!
November 8: 1 in 5 of us has to do with our cell phone every week. Kelly Rebman in Plant City got it: call it to find it!
November 7: Workers under 30 feel 4 times for guilt for doing this than their parents and grandparents did. Stacey Jones in Mulberry got it: take a lunch hour!
November 6: Yesterday we asked you on my Facebook page what’s your stress food for election night. Pizza was the big one. 4 out of 5 say you gotta do this to have a great pizza. Joe Martello in Tampa got… you’ve gotta put pepperoni on that thing!
November 5: 1 in 4 say they’ll do this if they don’t get the election result they want. Congrats to Lori Dizinno in New Port Richey… she knew it was call in sick to work the next day!
November 4: It was an audio question today as we paid tribute to Quincy Jones. Quincy said anyone who says they know what will sell millions of records is lying. He said he makes songs that will give him _______. The answer was goosebumps. Congrats to Lorena Little in Land O Lakes!
November 1: The average American will pack at least 2 of these on a week long trip. The answer: pajamas! Congrats to Harriett Barrett in Tampa!
October 31: This 3 word phrase just turned 97 years old. No brainer right? A bunch of you got it fast: “trick or treat!” Congrats to today’s winner Lisa Kowynia in Tampa.
October 30: Only 1 in 10 plan to do this for Halloween this year. You’ll probably need some kind of ID. The answer was travel! I never knew traveling for Halloween was a thing. Some go to Salem, Massachusetts to see the witch stuff. Many fly here for Howl-o-Scream and Halloween Horror Nights. Apparently inflation isn’t as bad as we thought! Congrats to Steven Mcanally in Zephyrhills!
October 29: Only 2 in 5 adults say they could do this now even though they probably did it without much problem when they were teenagers. Your hints: it’s more mental than physical and you wanted to do this so you could be one of the cool kids! Faith Furtick in Largo got it… pass your driver’s license written exam!
October 28: It’ll be a strange night tonight as Steven Stamkos returns to Amalie Arena in a different uniform. The question was an audio one today. When a young rookie 18 year old Steven Stamkos first came to Tampa, the guys wanted to take him out and show him around. Stammer described that night. What did they take him out for? Andrew Smith in Apollo Beach got it… sushi!
This week’s prize: Tickets to see Daryl Hall and Howard Jones at The BayCare Sound at Coachman Park!
October 25: 1 in 3 do this after watching a horror movie. Your hint: “Break on through to the other side!”
October 24: About 45% of Americans like to watch these. They’re more popular in Mexico and Spain. But less popular than they are in the U.S. in Germany and France. They usually take more than a half hour to watch. Steven Adamo in Tampa got it: horror movies!
October 23: Decorating your place for Halloween this year? 42% say this is a vital Halloween decoration. Your hints: gotta plug it in and… coughing (not coffin). Melissa Durham in Ruskin got it: a fog machine!
October 22: A survey asked people if they’re thriving, struggling or suffering in life. Those who have one of these at home were 16% more likely to say they’re thriving. Many guessed a pet. The big hint I gave is that (usually) these are much harder to lift. Jason Harvey in Spring Hill knew it was a spouse!
October 21: Almost half of football fans say they’ve done this on game day. Rob Dietz in Tarpon Springs got it… stream the game illegally!
This week’s prize: Trans Siberian Orchestra tickets!
October 18: 2/3 of pizza lovers say they feel no guilt in doing this. Steve Wilson in Brooksville got it today: take the last slice of pizza!
October 17: Only about 13% do this while they’re at the office. RJ Martin in Ruskin got it: pop popcorn!
October 16: 74% have had this unfortunate thing happen to them outside. Travis Zawacki in St. Pete knew that 74% have had a bird poop on their head!!!
October 15: Only 1 in 25 adults admit to doing this after Halloween. Many said eat their kids candy, but were missing one big word… ALL the kids candy! Wow! I would’ve run away from home. Kat Washburn in New Port Richey got it!
October 14: Reese’s Cups, Hershey Bars and Snickers are the 3 most consumed candy bars. What’s #4? Bernie McDermott in Bradenton got it… Kit Kats! I think they’re a fraud. I always hated Kit Kats when I was a kid because they all that air in the middle!
This week’s prize: Howl-o-Scream tickets!
October 11: The round food that the average American eats 1 or 2 of per month… Reese’s Cups!
October 10: We’ve had enough stress this week. Another easy question. This hurricane annoyed us this week. Christina Kitchens in Riverview got it… Milton.
October 8: Howl-o-Scream is held at this theme park. Yeah I figured we’d go easy on ya today. Funny thing is some got it wrong! Emily Rivera in Port Richey was one of the many who got it right. Of course it was Busch Gardens… which is where she’ll go to enjoy Howl-O-Scream.
October 7: Michael Booth in Avon Park knew it was attractiveness 1 in 5 who are 78 or older cared the most about in finding someone to date!
October 4: 23% plan do this when they do their holiday shopping this year. Kelly Rebman in Plant City got it first… shop in person!
October 3: A Las Vegas question today! If you go to a Las Vegas buffet, it’ll probably take 1 hour and 49 minutes… but this will only take 22 seconds. Congrats to Talan Oberoi in St. Pete who knew it… the implosion of the Tropicana in Las Vegas next week!
October 2: A third of homebuyers say they’d be ok with this… if the house they were looking at is priced below market value. Jon Turney in Largo got it… if the house was haunted!
October 1: 2 out of 5 have at least one of these lying around just collecting dust. They’re light. You probably didn’t buy it – it was probably given to you. The answer: unused gift cards! Congrats to Wendy Bornemann in Melbourne.
Miss the answer to one of last month’s questions? Those are here!
Geno’s 4:20 Useless Trivia Insider Tips:
Be ready to go at 4:20.
The game isn’t played in real time on the air. Often we get a winner in the first 10 minutes. But that might mean it took 40 or 50 calls before we got the right answer. We air about 5 or 6 guesses at a time.
You have to call.
It’s an old fashioned game… no emailing or leaving your guess on my socials. Sometimes we play by text. If we do, we’ll make that super clear when we start that day’s game. But most of the time we play over the phone. The first caller through with the right answer wins.
Trying to Google the answer may hurt your chances.
Your best chance to get through is in those first 3 or 4 minutes. You may get through with the right answer, but someone might have already guessed it before you… even if it hasn’t aired on the radio yet. When I answer the phone after someone has already correctly guessed the answer, I’ll often say that we already have our winner, but I like to see if there were any other funny wrong guesses. Sometimes I air those funny wrong guesses on the air before we get to the winner.
Team up.
If you think you know it, text the answer to a friend and have them try to call in too to double your chances of winning. Or if you’re near some coworkers, have them call too. Strength in numbers!
Store 800-990-1047 on your cell.
Label it with my name so you can just say “Hey Siri, call Geno!”