Proposed Air Curtain Incinerator Project In Lutz Withdrawn After Neighbors Protest
A thick cloud of exhaust rises up from a chimney in the blue sky
Earlier this week I was chatting with some of my “Mom” friends, and a couple of the women who live in the Lutz area were incensed over the proposal to bring an air curtain incinerator (ACI) into Lutz.
Our friends at ABC Action News covered the story and you can read it all here.
Even Fester from the MJ Morning Show was not happy about the idea of an incinerator going up there.
Members of the Lutz community expressed their irritation on Thursday and explained they want no part of the project in their neighborhood.
Jen Messer was one of the Lutz inhabitants and she told ABC Action News, “I hope they get the message that this is wrong, and they should have done a lot more research before deciding to put a facility like this here,” said Jen Messer.”
The company was the Louis Geraci LLLP Now that it’s been cancelled, a community meeting that had been scheduled for August 23 is cancelled.
Good for those folks in the Lutz community who stood up and fought for their neighborhood, their property values, etc.
For more on this story, click here.
Study Shows Tampa Is A Great City For Pizza Lovers
When a lot of people think of the best cities to get a great pizza, they immediately think of places like New York or Chicago. But a new study from shows that Tampa is one of the top 15 cities in the country with the best pizza options.
Pizza connoisseurs from all over the country are moving to the Bay area but still claim their hometown is the best pizza city. But according to this study, Tampa has outnumbered iconic pizza hot spots like Chicago, New York and New Jersey. How does one rank the best pizza city? The website tells us they used a number of criteria to analyze the cities with the best pizza options.
The metrics used are as follows:
- Google Trends pizza varieties
- Google Trends pizza practical terms
- Total pizza restaurants per 100,000 citizens
- Chain pizza restaurants per 100,000 citizens
- Independent pizza restaurants per 100,000 citizens
- Pizza restaurants per square mile
- Price of “cheese pizza”
- Price of “pepperoni pizza”
- Weekly cheese pizza per year for the average resident as a percent of total income
- Weekly pepperoni pizza per year for the average resident as a percent of total income
Cities with a large number of independent pizza restaurants get extra points, and cities dominated by large pizza chains suffered a small penalty.
Check out the list below to see where Champa Bay ranks for best pizza city!
Roxanne is a co-host on the MJ Morning Show and host of Middays on Q105 in Tampa Bay. She also hosts segments on The Current, which features local feel-good stories and health and wellness segments, and airs on five of the six Tampa-based Beasley Media Group stations. Roxanne has conducted hundreds of interviews, from athletes to Oscar winners, including Matt Damon, Christian Bale, and Chadwick Boseman. She also specializes in media training, having worked with clients in the NFL, NBA and WWE for television, in print, and online. Roxanne is a published author and will be releasing a thriller novel in 2024. Her favorite thing in the world is being with her two daughters and husband. As a content creator for Q105, Roxanne writes about family activities in the Tampa Bay area, as well as reviews for local restaurants and travel.