Quiz: Roxanne Wilder Asks What Is Your Pandemic Personality Type?
In tough times we see people’s true colors.
Maybe the guy you thought was unflappable has turned into a withering wimp. Maybe the girl who you thought was pretty low-key is ready to do whatever it takes to help those in need. Or another who you pegged a nervous nelly is now calm as can be. The pandemic is putting all our nerves to the test and we get a sense of what we morph into when the chips are down. Like characters in a novel, we’re all pretty dynamic. Who we become is a result of the challenges life throws at us.
So what’s your Pandemic Personality Type?
How have you changed in the last couple of weeks? More positive? More panicked? Or are you calmer and sort of “what will be, will be”? Or are you a warrior? This is your moment to help whoever you can.
Take this one-questions quiz to find out:
How do you feel about toilet paper right now?
1. Scared you don’t have enough.
2. Happy for toilet-paper-makers who have booming businesses right now.
3. Thinking about how you can get more toilet paper to people who are unable to go out and shop right now for it (or how you can invent new toilet paper).
4. Excited about all of the toilet paper you have so you can go tee-pee your neighbor’s yard when this is all over.
If you agree with #1, congratulations, you’re a Panicky Pandemic Personality Type (PPT). The sky is falling, the world will end. You’re afraid you and everyone around you is going to get it. It’s not always a fun state of existence, but I say “congratulations” because we need Panickies to keep us all informed of the worst case scenarios and to take drastic measures. (You better believe that I hope I work with and live with Panickies because I know they are singing “Happy Birthday” three times when they wash their hands!)
If you agree with #2, congratulations, you’re a Positive PPT. You watch a press-conference and your glass half-full filter hears “a vaccine is coming SOON” and “98ish percent of people are beating this if they come down with it.” We need you as much as we need the Panickies because you remind us that we will get through this and there will be light at the end of the tunnel.
If you agree with #3, congratulations, you’re a Warrior PPT. This terrible situation has brought out the best in you. You’ve pushed your negative traits aside and are focusing on how you can help others, how you can step up to the plate to help solve a monumental problem. You do what you do with extra juice…We need you.
If you agree with #4, congratulations, you’re a Calm-In_The-Eye-Of-The-Storm PPT…Nah, that’s not catchy-enough. You are a Chaos Reveler PPT. This is unfolding like a (scary) movie to you and you are a captivated audience-member. This doesn’t make you a bad person. It just means you step back and watch, but you roll with things. You’re making the most of your stay-at-home schedule. We need you to keep things light and to bring normalcy.
Whatever PPT you are, please remember to wash your hands!
P.S. Stay tuned for “Who Is Your Perfect Pandemic Personality Partner?”
Alliteratively Yours,
Here’s our latest list of Tampa area businesses that are open, closed or have changed their hours.