Dunedin Attorney’s 5 Ways To Protect Your Money During Coronavirus Pandemic
We are all in a state of fear right now. Not only are we concerned for the health and safety of our families, community and nation, but we’re worried about economic downturn.
Whether you are a small business owner or an employee, you’ve got to hear what Dunedin attorney, Candice Colucci, has to say about protecting your money and business during these tough times.
She iterates important steps you must take:
1. If you’re a business owner you need to remember that time is NOT on your side. Per your insurance policy, your deadline may be in as little as 60 days to report your business interruption claim.
2. When you file your business interruption claim, document everything. And your best bet is talk to a trusted attorney who knows what information is most important for your provider.
3. You need to find out A.S.A.P. whether or not your policy has a pandemic clause…(Listen to our podcast below to find out the additional two steps you must take.)
Candice was great to talk with because she turned very complex subject-matter into digestible pieces of information. She also explained what the stimulus package means for individuals.
Please listen to our interview by playing the link below.