Why Tampa Is One Of The Best Cities In the Country For Retirees
We know people love to retire to Florida for a number of reasons. We’ve got nice weather, no state income tax, fun things to do…
In a recent WalletHub ranking, Tampa and Orlando were tops on the list as places people would enjoy when they retire.
The criteria WalletHub looked at included the following: affordability, quality of life and access to good healthcare, activities, cost of living, “tax-friendliness,” make-up of population that is over 64, crime rates, and public golf courses.
Almost 150,000 people who are sixty and older moved to Florida in 2018. That made Florida the top state that retirees are moving to, and Arizona came in a far-second.
The complete top five list is as follows:
1. Orlando, FL
2. Tampa, FL
3. Charleston, SC
4. Miami, FL
5. Fort Lauderdale, FL
St. Petersburg came in 13th.
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